Development of Talent

We believe in people and understand the need for the development of talent within your business

Career Coaching

Our Consultants at Mint Talent take the time to gain a deep understanding in to you as a person; your past work experience, your short and long terms goals, your strengths and development areas and the values which shape your attitudes and behaviours. These are all so important when selecting your next position and company fit. We offer a face to face meeting to get to know you as a person as well as offering advice, guidance and deep market insights in to our key industries.

Leadership Development

Leadership often translates to the performance of an entire business. We offer Group Leadership Workshops of Individual Coaching sessions for the Senior Management within your business. These sessions aim to ensure Leaders and Managers are maximising their team’s full potential as well as understanding their own behaviours and actions and how that effects their team members.

Team Building Workshops

Team dynamics is often overlooked but is in fact extremely important. A team must have accountability, trust, a unified sense of purpose and a harmonious mix of skills and personality traits for optimum performance. Our Team workshops analyses individual skills, learning styles, motivations and values to ensure you are maximising the potential of your team in the workplace.

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