The New Normal

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There is No Magic in Recruitment, only Clever and Hard Work. Let New Normal be your Best Partner.

I bet none of us would have ever predicted the chaos and uncertainty which has plagued the world over the past few months.  It has certainly been challenging times, more so for others,

For myself personally and for the Mint Talent business, recruitment has been affected greatly and business nearly stopped overnight.  I remember at the start of the week commencing 16th March, having 25 roles I was actively working on and by the end of the week we were down to 3 positions.  Most roles were put on hold and so could be back on again in due course, but I predict many will be taken off altogether.  However, I have been having more positive discussions this week since the Australian lockdown has eased and so hopefully with businesses feeling more certainty and stability on their financials and future growth, as well as getting a clearer view on life post lockdown, things should start getting back to some sort of normal.

I have also seen many silver linings to lockdown and working from home situations. There have been many candidates I have spoken with who have loved the flexibility of life working from home, having the freedom to work the hours they wish to, cutting out that time-consuming commute, and spending more time with their pets and children! Although I do know some parents who are faced with the challenge of juggling their work and home schooling which has left them wanting fewer distractions and adult conversations back in the office!   I myself have had a bit of a mixture of reactions, from one day loving the fact there is slightly less work, less pressure, less stress and so being able to focus on a few personal projects and that self-care which was always way down the list.  However there are some days that I struggle to get through my to do list, and lack that motivation to do anything other than put on another Netflix show!  I have also been feeling a lack of identity; work for me is what I love, it’s what I am good at, it’s what I know and so not having that to keep me busy day to day has been challenging.

With this in mind, we at Mint Talent want to acknowledge the individuality that we are all experiencing and to let you know we care for each and everyone of you and we are looking out for your needs while prioritising your health & safety above all.

Bearing all this in mind, we are doing our best to minimise any impact and continue our operation to serve our clients in their hiring requisites and help candidates in their employment needs. We will do so by:

  • Conducting all meetings via phone or video call – specifically via our Mint Talent video room, a link will be provided when the meeting is arranged.
  • For clients, we are available to conduct searches as per the normal process or tailor our approach according to your requirements (to include additional stages such as psychometric testing at no additional cost). To know more about Psychometric Profiling and its use in the hiring process, you can read it here.
  • For candidates, we are here for advice and support – whether you are looking for a job or unsure as to your next career steps. At your convenience, we provide 1-on-1 career coaching sessions as well as psychometric testing reports and feedback to help guide your career plans.
  • Creating contents on our blog to provide resources that can help, inspire and encourage everyone amidst the current situation, in particular around CV writing and LinkedIn Profile You can visit the articles via the blog here.

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We are a remote-first business, fully set up and equipped to work from home; thus, there will be no delays or lack of responses during this time.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to contact us.  We will be glad to help you in any way we can. We are in this together.

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